API Error Messages
Below is a list of all API Error Codes related to the Telnyx platform.
You can download it as a json file by going here.
Code | Title | Detail |
10001 | Inactive phone number | The phone number is inactive. |
10002 | Invalid phone number | The phone number is invalid. |
10003 | Invalid URL | The URL provided was invalid, malformed, or too long. URLs can be a maximum of 2000 characters. |
10004 | Missing required parameter | A required parameter was missing. Consult the source field on the returned error to determine the missing field. |
10005 | Resource not found | The requested resource or URL could not be found. |
10006 | Invalid ID | The resource ID provided was invalid. |
10007 | Unexpected error | An unexpected error occured. |
10008 | Request timeout | The request timed out. |
10009 | Authentication failed | The required authentication headers were either invalid or not included in the request. |
10010 | Authorization failed | You do not have permission to perform the requested action on the specified resource or resources. |
10011 | Too many requests | You have exceeded the maximum number of allowed requests. |
10012 | Duplicate resource | Resource is a duplicate. |
10013 | Missing association | One of the associated fields does not exist. |
10014 | Unsupported Media Type | The request failed because the server does not support the media type. |
10015 | Bad Request | The request failed because it was not well-formed. |
10016 | Phone number must be in +E.164 format | The specified phone number parameter must be in +E.164 format. |
10017 | Associated resource does not exist | The requested parameter is invalid as the associated resource does not exist. |
10018 | Invalid sort direction | The 'sort_direction' parameter must have a value of either 'asc' or 'desc'. |
10019 | Invalid email address | The 'email' parameter is not a valid email address. |
10020 | Invalid resource type | The requested parameter must be of type 'string' |
10021 | Resource in use | The resource can not be removed as it is still in use. |
10022 | One or more invalid IDs | One or more of the IDs provided were invalid. |
10023 | Invalid JSON | The supplied JSON is invalid. |
10024 | Unsupported Content-Type | The API endpoint only accepts requests that are form encoded or JSON, i.e. they must have a Content-Type header of either application/x-www-form-urlencoded or application/json. |
10025 | String length out of range | A string provided was either too short or too long. Consult the source field on the returned error to determine the offending field. |
10026 | Invalid parameter type | The parameter was of the incorrect type. Consult the error's detail and source fields to determine the offending field. |
10027 | Unprocessable Entity | The server understood the syntax of the request but was unable to process the instructions. |
10028 | Character encoding error | The request body was not able to be decoded.When sending JSON and using a non-Unicode encoding, be sure to set the charset parameter on the Content-Type header. |
10029 | Expected JSON Content-Type | The API endpoint only accepts requests encoded as JSON with a Content-Type header of application/json. |
10030 | Method not allowed | The URL is valid, but the HTTP method is not allowed. The Allow header on the 405 response lists acceptable methods, and the API documentation will provide details on how to interact with the endpoint. |
10031 | Invalid request filter | There was a problem with the HTTP request Filter. |
10032 | Invalid enumerated value | Provided value isn't on the list of accepted values. |
10033 | Value outside of range | Provided value is outside of the allowed range. |
10034 | Expected URL-encoded form Content-Type | The API endpoint only accepts requests with the data encoded as a URL-encoded form with a Content-Type header of application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
10035 | Resource locked | These resources have been administratively locked by Telnyx so they cannot be used or modified. |
10036 | Resource is being processed | This resource is in ongoing processing and it can't be interacted with. Please, wait for its operation to finish and retry later. |
10037 | Service unavailable | Service is unavailable. |
10700 | Invalid caller data | The CNAM caller data provided is invalid. |
20000 | Invalid resource groups | The resource groups provided are invalid. |
20001 | Invalid API Key secret | The secret provided is invalid. |
20002 | API Key revoked | The API Key provided is not active. |
20003 | API Key forbidden | The API Key provided is forbidden. |
20004 | Invalid permission groups | The permission groups provided are invalid. |
20005 | Invalid user | The user provided is invalid. |
20006 | Expired access token | The access token provided is expired. |
20007 | Invalid permission groups | The permission groups provided must be a subset of the API Key's. |
20008 | Invalid API Key | The API Key provided is invalid. |
20009 | Invalid user | The user provided does not exist. |
20010 | Invalid invitation | The invitation provided does not exist. |
20011 | API Key in use | The API Key can not be revoked while assigned to a portal user. |
20012 | Account inactive | The request cannot be fulfilled because your account has been deactivated |
20013 | Account blocked | Your account has been blocked |
20014 | Account unverified | You have not completed the verifications required to perform this action. Please check the verifications tab under account settings for more information. |
20015 | Feature not enabled | The requested feature is not enabled for your account. Please contact Telnyx customer support for more information. |
20016 | Account not level 1 verified | The account has not been level 1 verified, and cannot perform the requested action. Level 1 verification requires verification of a mobile phone number, and is required to perform certain actions including:Purchasing a numberAssigning a connection or messaging profile to a numberCreating a multi-user organization |
20017 | Account not level 2 verified | The account has not been level 2 verified, and cannot perform the requested action. Level 2 verification requires contacting Telnyx, and is required to perform certain actions including:International callingCall forwardingSending messages from alphanumeric sender IDs |
20100 | Insufficient Funds | You do not have enough funds to perform this action. |
20200 | Invalid address | The address provided is invalid. |
20201 | Invalid country code | The country code provided is invalid. |
20202 | Invalid locality | The locality provided is invalid. |
20203 | Invalid neighborhood | The neighborhood provided is invalid. |
20204 | Invalid administrative area | The administrative area provided is invalid. |
20205 | Invalid postal code | The postal code provided is invalid. |
20206 | Invalid borough | The borough provided is invalid. |
20207 | Invalid street address | The street address provided is invalid. |
20208 | Invalid street address house number | The street address house number provided is invalid. |
20209 | Invalid extended address | The extended address provided is invalid. |
40001 | Not routable | The destination number is either a landline or a non-routable wireless number. |
40002 | Blocked as spam - temporary | The message was flagged by a SPAM filter and was not delivered. This is a temporary condition. |
40003 | Blocked as spam - permanent | The message was flagged by a SPAM filter and was not delivered. The originating phone number is permanently blocked. |
40004 | Rejected by destination | The recipient server is rejecting the message for an unknown reason. |
40005 | Message expired during transmission | The message expired before it could be fully delivered to the recipient. This error occured after the message left Telnyx and was en route to the destination. |
40006 | Recipient server unavailable | The recipient server is unavailable or not responding. This may be a temporary issue. If the error persists, contact Telnyx support. |
40007 | Loop detected | Infinite loop detected. |
40008 | Undeliverable | The recipient carrier did not accept the message. This is a general purpose undeliverable message. |
40009 | Invalid message body | The message body was invalid. The rules Telnyx uses to allow messages may not align with all carriers at all times. If the destination carrier uses more stringent rules, they may reject messages. |
40011 | Too many requests | Exceeded upstream rate limit. As a result the message was flagged by a SPAM filter and was not delivered. This is a temporary condition. |
40012 | Invalid messaging destination number | The destination phone number was deemed invalid by the carrier and was rejected. |
40013 | Invalid messaging source number | The source phone number was deemed invalid by the carrier. |
40014 | Message expired in queue | The message expired in the queue. This error occured before Telnyx attempted to relay your message, and you were not billed. |
40015 | Blocked as spam - internal | The message was flagged by an internal Telnyx SPAM filter. |
40016 | T-Mobile 10DLC sending limit reached | You have exceeded T-Mobile's daily allotted throughput for the brand associated to this phone number. The count resets at midnight PST. Messaging throughput is dependent on the Brand Score of the Brand. |
40018 | AT&T 10DLC sending limit reached | You have exceeded AT&T's daily allotted throughput for the brand associated to this phone number. The count resets at midnight PST. Messaging throughput is dependent on the Brand Score of the Brand. |
40100 | Number not messaging enabled. | The number is not currently messaging enabled on the Telnyx platform. |
40150 | Toll free number not in registry | Messaging cannot be enabled for this number because the number is not in the voice registry. |
40151 | Message enablement pending with other provider | Messaging is in the process of being enabled with another messaging provider. |
40152 | Invalid OSR parameter | One of the parameters sent to the OSR was missing or invalid. |
40153 | Cannot access OSR | Telnyx is not authorized to access the OSR. |
40154 | Unauthorized NNID | Telnyx is not authorized to use this NNID. |
40155 | LOA required | An LOA is required to text message enable this number. |
40156 | Unauthorized property name/value | Telnyx is not authorized to provision this property name or property value. |
40157 | Temporarily blocked | Telnyx is temporarily unable to make changes to the OSR. |
40158 | Delete failed | The record was not found or the NNID was invalid so it could not be deleted. |
40159 | Unknown OSR error | An error occurred while updating the OSR. |
40300 | Blocked due to STOP message | Messages cannot be sent from your number to a destination number because the destination has sent your number a stop message. Stop messages are those that consist solely of one of the following words (case and whitespace insensitive):CANCELENDQUITSTOPSTOPALLSTOP ALLUNSUBSCRIBE |
40301 | Unsupported message type for the 'to' address | The requested destination is currently unsupported for the type of traffic originated by the sender or sending number.Messages from long codes or toll free numbers, including multimedia messages, can only be sent to US and Canadian destinations. For other destinations, consider using an alphanumeric sender. Extended reach for long codes will be available soon.Please contact Telnyx customer support if you have questions. |
40302 | Message too large | SMS messages over 140 bytes are split into multiple parts. Depending on the encoding and characters, anywhere from 34 (emojis) to 153 (ASCII) characters can fit in each part. |
40303 | Message not found | The message was not found. It may not exist or you may not have the correct permissions to view it. |
40304 | Invalid combination of message content arguments | To send an SMS, the body field must be provided, and it must not be an empty string.To send an MMS, the subject and/or media_urls fields must be provided. |
40305 | Invalid 'from' address | A valid from field must be specified. The value must be a string containing a valid phone number in +E.164 format, a short code, or an alphanumeric sender ID associated with the sending messaging profile.Alphanumeric sender IDs must be between 1 and 11 characters long, and can only contain ASCII letters, numbers, and spaces. They must contain at least one letter. |
40306 | Alpha sender not configured | The messaging profile is not configured with an alphanumeric sender ID.To send a message from an alphanumeric sender ID, the messaging profile must be configured with the desired sender. Update your messaging profile and try again. |
40307 | Alpha sender mismatch | The alphanumeric sender ID specified as the from parameter in the request does not match the one configured on the messaging profile. Please ensure that the desired alphanumeric sender ID is associated with your messaging profile. |
40308 | Invalid 'from' address for MMS | MMS can only be sent from US long code phone numbers and MMS-configured short codes. Use a long code number that is associated with the sending messaging profile. |
40309 | Invalid destination region | The region for destination number is not included in the messaging profile's list of whitelisted destinations. |
40310 | Invalid 'to' address | The 'to' address must be a valid number provided in +E.164 format or else a valid short code.If using the version 2 API, either an array of length one, or a single string must be provided. Multi-destination messages are not currently supported. |
40311 | Invalid messaging profile secret | The provided X-Profile-Secret header was not recognized as a valid messaging profile secret. |
40312 | Messaging profile is disabled | The messaging profile is currently disabled. |
40313 | Missing messaging profile secret | The X-Profile-Secret header is missing. The secret is found on messaging profiles and must be included as an HTTP header on requests to send messages. |
40314 | Messaging disabled on account | Messaging has been disabled on your account. Contact Telnyx support. |
40315 | Unhealthy 'from' address | A health check was requested on the sending number, which it failed to pass. Recent traffic data on the number is used to determine its outbound success and spam rejection rates. If there is sufficient traffic data, and if the calculated rates do not meet acceptable thresholds, the number will be considered unhealthy. |
40316 | No content provided for message | To send an SMS, the text field must be provided, and it must not be an empty string. To send an MMS, the text and/or media_urls fields must be provided. |
40317 | Invalid MMS content | Multimedia messages (MMS) can only contain up to 10 items (URLs listed in media_urls) and the total size must be less than 1 MB. |
40318 | Message queue full | Message queue is full. The queue limits the rate messages can be sent per account and per number (Rate Limit Docs) |
40319 | Incompatible message type for the 'to' address | It is not possible to send messages to the requested destination using the given sender or sending number. For example, messages cannot be sent from an alphanumeric sender ID to a short code. |
40320 | Temporarily unusable 'from' address | The specified number is configured for messaging, but it cannot yet be used to send messages. This is a temporary condition, which typically occurs because the number was recently purchased and the number order has not yet completed. Please wait for the purchase to be finalized, at which time the number will become available for use. |
40321 | No usable numbers on messaging profile | Number Pool could not find any usable numbers on the messaging profile. |
40322 | Blocked due to content | Certain content can cause a message to be rejected. |
40323 | Messaging activation failed | Messaging could not be enabled on the number on the Telnyx platform. If this number was ported, ensure that the porting was completed successfully and is ready for use on the Telnyx platform. If this number was purchased, contact Telnyx support as there could be settings discrepancy. |
40324 | Messaging product type change failed | Error changing product types for the number. This can happen if the number does not fit the traffic profile for the requested product type. This can also happen if the number was recently purchased and there's not enough data to gauge the traffic profile. |
40325 | Invalid alphanumeric sender ID | Alphanumeric sender IDs must be between 1 and 11 characters long, and can only contain ASCII letters, numbers, and spaces. They must contain at least one letter. |
40326 | Cannot assign alphanumeric sender ID | Currently it is only possible to assign a single alphanumeric sender ID to a messaging profile. If you wish to change the profile's alphanumeric sender ID, please remove the existing one and then try again. |
40327 | Invalid Domain | The domain provided is not listed as a valid domain to be used with URL Shortener. |
40328 | SMS exceeds recommended size | SMS messages over 140 bytes are split into multiple parts. Depending on the encoding and characters, anywhere from 34 (emojis) to 153 (ASCII) characters can fit in each part. Messages over a certain number of parts are better sent as MMS messages. |
50000 | VRF still deployed | The VRF can not be removed as it is still deployed to one or more sites |
50001 | VRF not deployed | The VRF is not deployed at this site |
50002 | VRF already deployed | The VRF is already deployed at this site |
70000 | Consumption reached data limit | The consumption reached the defined data limit. Please, update the SIM card group data limit. |
70002 | Invalid data format | The provided data attribute was invalid. Check out the allowed unit and type of data allowed in the API doc for more information. |
70003 | Mobile operators' preferences priorities are out of sequence | The mobile operators' preferences priorities should be in an ascending order starting by 0. |
70004 | OTA update in progress | SIM card network preferences can't be defined when a previous OTA update is still in progress. Make sure the SIM network preferences had applied the latest request before requesting new preferences. |
70005 | Could not delete SIM card group | The SIM card group associated with the provided ID can not be deleted because there are SIM cards associated with the SIM card group. |
70006 | Could not delete default SIM card group | The SIM card group associated with the provided ID can not be deleted because it is the default SIM card group on your account. |
70007 | SIM card doesn't have a SIM card group | A SIM card cannot be enabled unless it's associated with a SIM card group. |
70008 | Public IPs are unavailable at this time | There aren't any public IPs available at this time. Please contact Telnyx support for more information. |
80000 | Wrong account | One or more numbers you are attempting to port do not belong to the specified account. |
80001 | Inactive number | One or more numbers you are attempting to port are not active on the account. Only active numbers may be ported. |
80002 | Wrong provider | Telnyx is not the service provider for one or more of the numbers you are attempting to port. |
80003 | Pending order | One or more numbers are already part of another port request. |
80004 | Invalid desired due date | The desired due date is not within the allowable window. Please review the porting guidelines. |
80005 | Invalid passcode or pin | The passcode or PIN provided does not match what has been assigned to the number. |
80006 | Invalid PON | The Purchase Order Number (PON) provided is invalid. It must be between 3 and 20 characters and may not contain special characters. |
80007 | FOC expired | The firm order committment has expired since the number was not ported on the agreed upon due date. |
80008 | Missing LOA | A valid LOA (Letter of Authorization) is required to port numbers. |
80009 | Illegible LOA | The LOA (Letter of Authorization) provided was illegible or unable to be viewed. |
80010 | Expired LOA | The LOA (Letter of Authorization) provided has expired and is no longer valid. |
80011 | Invalid SPID | The service provider ID (SPID) provided was not recognized. |
80012 | Unsuported carrier | The functionality requested is not supported with the specified carrier. |
80013 | Invalid country | Automated porting is only supported in the US and Canada. |
80014 | Service address mismatch | The service address provided does not match the address on the account. |
80015 | Stranded phone numbers | The BTN/ATN on the account is being ported out which would leave stranded any remaining phone numbers. |
80016 | No CSR data available | A CSR could not be retrieved because the data submitted did not match closely enough with the data on file with the carrier. |
80017 | Invalid service provider type | The 'service_provider_type' parameter must be one of either 'Telnyx' or 'Peerless'. |
80018 | Invalid FOC date | The 'foc_date' parameter must be an ISO8601 datetime selected from the available FOC dates. |
80019 | Invalid service provider ID | The 'service_provider_id' parameter must be the ID of an existing service provider. |
80020 | Invalid subscription status | The 'subscription_status' parameter is required and must have a value of 'pending', 'concurred', 'timer_expired', 'conflict', 'activated', 'cancel_pending', 'cancelled', 'disconnect_pending', 'disconnected' or 'failed' |
80021 | Invalid porting option | The 'porting_option' parameter is required and must have a value of 'full' or 'partial'. |
80022 | Invalid document type | The 'document_type' parameter must have value of 'loa', 'csr', 'invoice' or 'other'. |
80023 | Invalid value for rate centers | The 'rate_centers' parameter must be a list of valid rate centers. |
80024 | Record could not be deleted | The sub_request could not be deleted as it has associated phone_numbers. |
80100 | Subscription version not created | The new service provider did not create an NPAC subscription version. |
80101 | Subscription version does not match | The new service provider created an NPAC subscription version that does not match the record Telnyx created. |
80200 | Duplicate phone numbers found | Duplicate phone numbers were found in the request. |
80201 | Phone number limit exceeded | Too many phone numbers were specified for an LSR preorder. |
80400 | Invalid credentials | The Port PS account credentials were invalid. |
80401 | Too many phone numbers | There is a maximum of 1000 lookups per request. |
85000 | Must search phone number via search API first | |
85001 | Phone numbers not available | |
85002 | Phone numbers update not allowed on this order | |
85003 | Regulatory requirements already satisfied | |
85004 | Invalid connection id provided | |
85005 | Invalid messaging profile id provided | |
85006 | The phone number is already reserved | |
85007 | Reservation limit exceeded | |
85008 | Reservation extension limit exceeded | |
90000 | Invalid value for format | Format must be of type 'string' with a value of either 'mp3' or 'wav'. |
90001 | Invalid value for channels | Channels must be a 'string' with a value of either 'single' or 'dual'. |
90002 | Invalid value for timeout | The 'timeout' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum and a maximum value accepted by command |
90003 | Invalid value for inter_digit_timeout | The 'inter_digit_timeout' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 120000. |
90004 | Invalid value for min | The 'min' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 128. |
90005 | Invalid value for max | The 'max' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 128. |
90006 | Invalid value for tries | The 'tries' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 128. |
90007 | Invalid value for terminating_digit | The 'terminating_digit' parameter must be a 'string' with a value of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, or #. |
90008 | Invalid value for valid_digits | The 'valid_digits' parameter must be a 'string' with a value of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, or #. |
90009 | Invalid value for loop | The 'loop' parameter must either be 'infinity' or an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 100. |
90010 | Invalid value for payload | The 'payload' parameter should contain between 1 and 5000 characters. |
90011 | Invalid value for payload_type | The 'payload_type' parameter must be of type 'string' with a value of either text or ssml. |
90012 | Invalid value for voice | The 'voice' parameter must be 'female' or 'male' when using the en-US language. |
90013 | Invalid value for language | The 'language' parameter must be of type 'string' with a value of either de-DE, en-AU, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, nl-NL, pt-BR, sv-SE or tr-TR. |
90014 | Invalid value for digits | The 'digits' parameter must be a 'string' made of a combination of either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, w, W, * or #. |
90015 | Invalid Call Control ID | The call_control_id provided was not valid. |
90016 | Invalid value for stop | The 'stop' parameter must be a 'string' with a value of 'all', 'current' or 'overlay'. |
90017 | Invalid value for client_state | The 'client_state' parameter must be a valid base64 string. |
90018 | Call has already ended | This call is no longer active and can't receive commands. |
90019 | Conference has already ended | This conference is no longer active and can't receive commands. |
90020 | Call recording triggered before audio started | Call recording cannot be started until audio has commenced on the call. |
90021 | Invalid value for duration | The 'duration' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 100 and a maximum value of 500. |
90022 | Invalid value for minimum_digits | The 'minimum_digits' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 128. |
90023 | Invalid value for maximum_digits | The 'maximum_digits' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 128. |
90024 | Invalid value for maximum_tries | The 'maximum_tries' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 128. |
90025 | Invalid value for timeout_millis | The 'timeout_millis' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum and a maximum value accepted by command |
90026 | Invalid value for inter_digit_timeout_millis | The 'inter_digit_timeout_millis' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 120000. |
90027 | Invalid value for duration_millis | The 'duration_millis' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 100 and a maximum value of 500. |
90028 | Invalid value for timeout_secs | The 'timeout_secs' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum and a maximum value accepted by command |
90029 | Invalid value for time_limit_secs | The 'time_limit_secs' parameter must be an 'integer' with a minimum value of 60 and a maximum value of 14,000. |
90030 | Invalid value for service_level | The 'service_level' parameter must be of type 'string' with a value of either 'basic' or 'premium'. |
90031 | Call is not currently forked | Can't stop forking, because the call isn't currently forked. |
90032 | Too many conference participants | The participant is unable to join because the maximum number of participants that was specified at the beginning of the conference has been reached. |
90033 | Conference has no active participants | The action can not be carried out because the conference has no active participants. Participants must be in a conference before being put on hold or muted. |
90034 | Call has not been answered yet | This call can't receive this command because it has not been answered yet. |
90100 | Notification key is invalid | The request cannot be fulfilled because the provided notification key is invalid. |
90101 | Notification context is invalid | The required notification context was either invalid or not included in the request. |