
Log in to your Mission Control Portal account and navigate to the "Auth" section to view your API Tokens in the Auth V1 tab.

API User and Token

API User may either be your Portal email address or your 24-character API Access Key. You can find your API Access Key and API Token under Auth in the Portal.

In the "Auth V1" tab add an API Token if you have not done so already. Once you have your API User and Token, you may use them as header values in HTTP requests.

Example User and Token Request Header

x-api-token: MY_TOKEN

Note: After pasting the above content, Kindly check and remove any new line added

Example Authorization Request Header

Authorization: Token MY_TOKEN

Note: After pasting the above content, Kindly check and remove any new line added

IP Authentication

CNAM and LRN Data endpoints that do not use HTTP will require IP authentication. You'll need to add IPs to a connection. You can then create a data profile through the Portal Telco Data interface and choose IP Address as the authentication method, and then select the connection with the IPs you’d like to whitelist. You can read more on how to authenticate specific endpoints in the [CNAM Data] and [LRN Data] overviews.

Sending SMS

An API token isn't required to send SMS. Create a new Messaging profile to obtain a Messaging Profile secret to add to your HTTP headers. More in-depth information on sending SMS can be found in the [Messaging section] .

Example SMS (Send) Request Header


Note: After pasting the above content, Kindly check and remove any new line added


API User Your Portal account email address or API Access Key
API Access Key Access key used in place of your Portal email address as the API User
API Token Token generated within your Telnyx account to use with API requests
IP Authentication Uses IP addresses as the authentication method, as opposed to token-based authentication
Profile Secret Messaging Profile token used to authenticate SMS send requests