Performance Benchmark

Executive Summary

We achieved the following throughput results given the bench test setup described in the subsequent sections.

  • PutObject Aggregate: 2.029 GiB/s
  • GetObject Aggregate: 2.714 GiB/s

A few disclaimers

  • We did not exhaustively search the client configuration that produces the highest achievable throughputs.
  • This result is only indicative of what can be achieved with the available testbed hardware specifications and arrangement.
  • The test clients are not subjected to the limits outlined in the previous section.
  • As we launch new sites, we will continuously update our test results and methodology. 

Benchmark Environment

Client Hardware 

(8) of the following bare metal machines are used as clients initiating requests to one of the regional endpoints. They are located off network with 100 Gbps uplink to the public internet.

Type Count of nodes CPU Mem Storage Network
Type 1 4 64 2 TiB 4 x 6.4TiB NVMe 100 Gbps
Type 2 4 32 2 TiB 1 x 960GiB NVMe 100 Gbps

No special optimizations are made on the client OS. 

Benchmark Software

Client Setup

Each client bare metal reads and writes to their individual bucket.


Put Object Aggregate Throughput

Get Object Aggregate Throughput