Getting Started with iOS Client SDK

The Telnyx Video iOS SDK provides the functionality you need to join and interact with a video room from an iOS application.

A link to the repo can be found here:


If you prefer to jump right in

Have a look at our demo app: Telnyx Meet.

An overview of the Video API

These are important concepts to understand.

  • A Room represents a real time audio/video/screen share session with other people or participants. It is fundamental to building a video application.
  • A Participant represents a person inside a Room . Each Room has one Local Participant and one or more Remote Participants .
  • Room State tracks the state of the room as it changes making it extremely easy to understand what's happened to a Room .
    • Room State could change due to a Local Participant has started publishing a stream or because a Remote Participant left.
  • A Stream represents the audio/video media streams that are shared by Participants in a Room
    • A Stream is indentified by it's participantId and streamKey
  • A Participant can have one or more Stream 's associated with it.
  • A Subscription is used to subscribe to a Stream belonging to a Remote Participant

API of a Room

This should give you high level overview of the Room API and it's functionality.

    func connect(statusChanged: @escaping (_ status: RoomStatus) -> Void)

    func disconnect(completion: @escaping () -> Void)

    func updateClientToken(clientToken: String, completion: () -> Void)

    func addStream(key: StreamKey, audio: RTCAudioTrack?, video: RTCVideoTrack?, completion:
    @escaping OnSuccess, onFailed: @escaping OnFailed)

    func updateStream(key: StreamKey, audio: RTCAudioTrack?, video: RTCVideoTrack?, completion: @escaping OnSuccess, onFailed: @escaping OnFailed)

    func removeStream(key: StreamKey, completion: @escaping OnSuccess, onFailed: @escaping OnFailed)

    func addSubscription(participantId: ParticipantId, key: StreamKey, audio: Bool, video: Bool, completion: @escaping OnSuccess, onFailed: @escaping OnFailed)

    func pauseSubscription(participantId: ParticipantId, key: StreamKey, completion: @escaping OnSuccess, onFailed: @escaping OnFailed)

    func resumeSubscription(participantId: ParticipantId, key: StreamKey, completion: @escaping OnSuccess, onFailed: @escaping OnFailed)

    func updateSubscription(participantId: ParticipantId, key: StreamKey, audio: Bool, video: Bool, completion: @escaping OnSuccess, onFailed: @escaping OnFailed)

    func removeSubscription(participantId: ParticipantId, key: StreamKey, completion: @escaping OnSuccess, onFailed: @escaping OnFailed)

    func getWebRTCStatsForStream(participantId: ParticipantId, streamKey: StreamKey, completion: @escaping (_ stats: [String: [String: Any]]) -> Void)

    /// Helpers methods
    func getState() -> State
    func getLocalParticipant() throws -> Participant
    func getLocalStreams() throws -> [StreamKey: Stream]
    func getParticipantStream(participantId: ParticipantId, key: StreamKey) -> Stream?
    func getParticipantStreams(participantId: ParticipantId) throws -> [StreamKey: Stream]

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Events that are triggered in a Room

Here's a list of events that will fire as you make API calls.

  /// Triggered each time the state is updated.
  var onStateChanged: ((_ state: State) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when connected to a room.
  var onConnected: (() -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when disconnects from room / leaves room.
  var onDisconnected: (() -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when a remote participant joins the room.
  var onParticipantJoined: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ participant: Participant) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when a remote participant leaves the room.
  var onParticipantLeft: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered after successfully registering a stream.
  var onStreamPublished: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered after successfully unregistering a stream.
  var onStreamUnpublished: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when a local stream or a remote stream track has been enabled.
  /// Notifies consumers about remote stream tracks being enabled. For example: when audio is unmuted or video has started on a remote stream.
  var onTrackEnabled: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey, _ kind: String) -> Void)?

  /// The oposite of` onTrackEnabled`. Triggers when a local stream or a remote stream track has been disabled.
  /// Notifies consumers about remote stream tracks being disabled. For example: when audio is muted or video has stopped on a remote stream.
  var onTrackDisabled: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey, _ kind: String) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when subscribed to a remote participant's stream.
  var onSubscriptionStarted: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when an ongoing subscription is paused.
  var onSubscriptionPaused: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when a paused subsription is resumed.
  var onSubscriptionResumed: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when the subscription is reconfigured.
  var onSubscriptionReconfigured: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey) -> Void)?

  /// Triggered when subscription is ended for a remote participant's stream.
  /// The subscription can be ended by calling `removeSubscription(ParticipantId,StreamKey)` or when the remote participant leaves.
  var onSubscriptionEnded: ((_ participantId: ParticipantId, _ streamKey: StreamKey) -> Void)?

  /// onError
  /// Triggered when there's an error processing incoming events from the server.
  var onError: ((_ error: SdkError) -> Void)?

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Understanding the state of the Room

Everything in the SDK centers around the Room object. When the state of the Room changes (e.g. a new participant joins or a remote participant starts publishing a stream) the onStateChanged event is triggered.

The event is invoked with a state parameter which contains the current of the state of the Room.

 /// Triggered each time the state is updated.
 var onStateChanged: ((_ state: State) -> Void)?

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Before getting started

Install the SDK

Currently, the Telnyx iOS Video SDK can be installed using CocoaPods. For instructions on that check out our releases repo for iOS

Get an API Key

You'll need an API key which is associated with your Mission Control Portal account under API Keys. You can learn how to do that here.

An API key is your credential to access our API. It allows you to:

  • to authenicate to the Rest API
  • to manage your access tokens

Create a Room to join (if it doesn't exist)

In order to join a room you must create it, if it doesn't already exist. See our Room Rest API to create one.

There's also additional resources on other endpoints available to perform basic operations on a Room.

Generate an a client token to join a room

In order to join a room you must have a client token for that Room. The client token is short lived and you will be able to refresh it using the refresh token provided with it when you request a client token.

Please see the docs here to learn how to create a client token.

Code Examples

Enough already let's get to the code. Here are some code examples to get your wet feet on how to start building something with the iOS video SDK.

Participating in a Room

Connect to a room

First, you'll need to create a Room instance and then connect to it. Once you're connected to a room, you can start sharing audio/video streams with other participant in the rooms.

Important Note: This simply creates an instance of a Room in code it does not use the Rooms Rest API to create a room, mentioned above in "Create a Room to join"*

// Create an instance of a Room

            id: "92f83cf907b6426197ca6ccc83f3cba3",
            clientToken: accessToken,
            context: ["userid": 12345, "username": "jane doe"])
{ room in
  // Once a room is created we can connect to it
  room.connect { status in


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Once the room is connected you've joined the room as it's local participant. You can see this more clearly by, after connecting, get the local participant.

Important Note: Room only has one Local Participant but can have multiple Remote Participants.

            id: "92f83cf907b6426197ca6ccc83f3cba3",
            clientToken: accessToken,
            context: ["username": "jane doe"])
{ room in
    room.connect { status in
        let localParticipant = room.getLocalParticipant()

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What is Room context?

Context is any details you want to include about the LocalParticipant of the Room.

For instance, let's say you want to use context to identify a Participant with fields from an external system. You could pass a userId and username as context, like the code snippet above.

These details will be available to all RemoteParticipants in the Room, when they are notified about your presence in the Room.

Working with local media

Publishing audio and/or video from your camera or microphone works by using MediaDevices. MediaDevices is a helper class that we provide for you to make it easy to grab local media from your device.

let stream = MediaDevices.shared().getUserMedia(audio:true, video:true)

// If you want to run your app in a simulator provide a video file name to MediaDevices and it wil be used as the source for the cameraTrack. The video needs to be added to your Main.bundle, for things to work properly.

let cameraTrack = stream.videoTracks.first
let microphoneTrack = stream.audioTracks.first

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Setting the quality of the local video

You can set the camera resolution and fps using MediaDevices.

#if !targetEnvironment(simulator)
guard let camera = RTCCameraVideoCapturer.captureDevices().first(where: {
    $0.position == MediaDevices.shared().cameraPosition }) else {
// Choose a suitable resolution/capture format
guard let captureFormat = RTCCameraVideoCapturer.supportedFormats(for: camera).sorted { (f1, f2) -> Bool in
    let width1 = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(f1.formatDescription).width
    let width2 = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(f2.formatDescription).width
    return width1 < width2
}.first else {
// Choose a suitable fps
let fps = captureFormat.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges.sorted { return $0.maxFrameRate < $1.maxFrameRate }.first!
// Set the resolution and fps to `Mediadevices`.
MediaDevices.shared().set(format: captureFormat, fps: Int(fps.maxFrameRate))

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Note: If you choose highest resolution and fps, the local video stream will lag if you have poor internet / bandwith

Publishing a stream

Once you have tracks from say, a local media device like video from a camera and/our audio from your micrphone you can use those to create a Stream and publish it in the Room.

room.connect { status in
  let cameraTrack: RTCVideoTrack
  let microphoneTrack: RTCAudioTrack

  // The onStreamPublished will trigger once the stream has started publishing in the room
  room.onStreamPublished = {
          participantId, streamKey in


      key: "camera/mic",
      audio: microphoneTrack,
      video: cameraTrack){


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Unpublishing a stream

If you can longer want to continue publishing a stream you can unpublish it. Naturally the stream you want to unpublish must be added already.

room.connect { status in
  // onStreamUnpublished will trigger once the stream has been unpublished
  room.onStreamUnpublished = {
      participantId, streamKey in


  room.removeStream(key: "camera/mic") {


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Working with Remote Participants and Streams

A remote participant who joins or leaves the room

When a remote participant joins a a room you will be notified with the Room.onParticipantJoined event. And similiarly with Room.onParticipantLeaving when a remote participant leaves.

You can use these events to keep track of participants in the room.

room.connect {
  room.onParticipantJoined = {
    participantId in
    // This event will trigger when a remote participant joins the room

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Remote participants already in the room

When you connect to a Room there may already be remote participants in the Room. To understand who is in the Room after you connect use the onParticipantJoined event.

room.connect {
  room.onParticipantJoined = {
    participantId in
    // The event triggers for remote participants who are already in the room, just like it does for a new remote participant that joins the room.

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Display a remote participant's media

In order to understand how to display a remote participants' media let's review on subscriptions work in the API.

It might be helpful to review the Video API overview to get a better understanding of how a Room is modeled, especially Stream and Subscription.

Major 🔑 about Subscriptions In order to display media from a remote stream you need to subscribe to it.

It's important to understand that your Room doesn't automatically subscribe to a remote stream being published. It's your choice to decide whether to subscribe to a given stream.

Subscribing to a stream

So let's say the app your building has two users - let's them call them Alice and Bob.

First, Alice joins the Room and starts publishing a stream with audio from her microhone and video from her camera like this: NOTE: The app on Alice's device runs the following code...

  status in
  // Let's assume that we have the tracks for Alice's camera and microphone already

  // Alice starts publishing a stream in the room
      key: "self",
      audio: microphoneTrack,
      video: cameraTrack){

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Bob wants to get Alice's stream so he can display it. In order to do so he needs to subscribe to Alice's stream. NOTE: The app on Bob's device runs the following code...

room.connect { status in
  // onStreamPublished event is triggered notifying him that Alice's stream is being published
  room.onStreamPublished = {
          participantId, streamKey in

          // Bob subscribes to Alice's stream
            participantId: participantId,
            key: streamKey,
            audio: true,
            video: true


  // onSubscriptionStarted triggers when the subscription to Alice's stream has started
  room.onSubscritionStarted = {
    participantId, streamKey in
    // Bob needs to fetch the stream so he can display it
    let aliceStream = room.getParticipantStream(participantId: participantId, key: streamKey)

    // Alice's stream has a key of 'self' which has the audio track from her microphone and a video tracdocs/api/v2/video#getting-started-with-videok from her device's camera. Bob can use these tracks and display them as Alice in his app.
    let aliceCameraTrack = aliceStream.videoTrack
    let aliceMicrophoneTrack = aliceStream.audioTrack

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Handling remote streams that are already publishing in the Room

After you connect to a Room there may be remote participants already in the Room who are publishing streams in the Room.

To deal with that use the onStreamPublished event:

room.connect { status in
  // After connecting to a room the onStreamPublished event will trigger for remote stream
  // that are already being published in the room
  // The onStreamPublished event will trigger
  room.onStreamPublished = {
          participantId, streamKey in


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Disconnecting from a Room

To disconect from a room do:

room.disconnect {
  // after the room disconnect that it's status is .disconnected

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When you disconnect from a Room all Remote Participant's will be notified that you've left the Room because the Room.onParticipantLeft event will fire on their Room instance.