FallbackMethod | string HTTP request type used for FallbackUrl .
Enum: "GET" "POST" |
FallbackUrl | string A failover URL for which Telnyx will retrieve the TeXML call instructions if the Url is not responding.
Method | string HTTP request type used for Url .
Enum: "GET" "POST" |
Status | string The value to set the call status to. Setting the status to completed ends the call.
StatusCallback | string URL destination for Telnyx to send status callback events to for the call.
StatusCallbackMethod | string HTTP request type used for StatusCallback .
Enum: "GET" "POST" |
Texml | string TeXML to replace the current one with.
Url | string The URL where TeXML will make a request to retrieve a new set of TeXML instructions to continue the call flow.