API Object Names for Describe
You can use the Describe operation to list the fields of each Zuora object that is available in your tenant. When you call the operation, you must specify the API name of the Zuora object.
Note: We recommend that you use the Object Queries or Data Queries to query objects.
The following table provides the API name of each Zuora object:
Object | API Name |
Account | Account |
Accounting Code | AccountingCode |
Accounting Period | AccountingPeriod |
Amendment | Amendment |
Application Group | ApplicationGroup |
Billing Run |
Billing Preview Run | BillingPreviewRun |
Configuration Templates | ConfigurationTemplates |
Contact | Contact |
Contact Snapshot | ContactSnapshot |
Credit Balance Adjustment | CreditBalanceAdjustment |
Credit Memo | CreditMemo |
Credit Memo Application | CreditMemoApplication |
Credit Memo Application Item | CreditMemoApplicationItem |
Credit Memo Item | CreditMemoItem |
Credit Memo Part | CreditMemoPart |
Credit Memo Part Item | CreditMemoPartItem |
Credit Taxation Item | CreditTaxationItem |
Custom Exchange Rate | FXCustomRate |
Debit Memo | DebitMemo |
Debit Memo Item | DebitMemoItem |
Debit Taxation Item | DebitTaxationItem |
Discount Applied Metrics | DiscountAppliedMetrics |
Entity | Tenant |
Fulfillment | Fulfillment |
Feature | Feature |
Gateway Reconciliation Event | PaymentGatewayReconciliationEventLog |
Gateway Reconciliation Job | PaymentReconciliationJob |
Gateway Reconciliation Log | PaymentReconciliationLog |
Invoice | Invoice |
Invoice Adjustment | InvoiceAdjustment |
Invoice Item | InvoiceItem |
Invoice Item Adjustment | InvoiceItemAdjustment |
Invoice Payment | InvoicePayment |
Invoice Schedule | InvoiceSchedule |
Invoice Schedule Item | InvoiceScheduleItem |
Journal Entry | JournalEntry |
Journal Entry Item | JournalEntryItem |
Journal Run | JournalRun |
Notification History - Callout | CalloutHistory |
Notification History - Email | EmailHistory |
Order | Order |
Order Action | OrderAction |
Order ELP | OrderElp |
Order Line Items | OrderLineItems |
Order Item | OrderItem |
Order MRR | OrderMrr |
Order Quantity | OrderQuantity |
Order TCB | OrderTcb |
Order TCV | OrderTcv |
Payment | Payment |
Payment Application | PaymentApplication |
Payment Application Item | PaymentApplicationItem |
Payment Method | PaymentMethod |
Payment Method Snapshot | PaymentMethodSnapshot |
Payment Method Transaction Log | PaymentMethodTransactionLog |
Payment Method Update | UpdaterDetail |
Payment Part | PaymentPart |
Payment Part Item | PaymentPartItem |
Payment Run | PaymentRun |
Payment Transaction Log | PaymentTransactionLog |
Processed Usage | ProcessedUsage |
Product | Product |
Product Charge Definition | ProductChargeDefinition |
Product Feature | ProductFeature |
Product Rate Plan | ProductRatePlan |
Product Rate Plan Definition | ProductRatePlanDefinition |
Product Rate Plan Charge | ProductRatePlanCharge |
Product Rate Plan Charge Tier | ProductRatePlanChargeTier |
Rate Plan | RatePlan |
Rate Plan Charge | RatePlanCharge |
Rate Plan Charge Tier | RatePlanChargeTier |
Refund | Refund |
Refund Application | RefundApplication |
Refund Application Item | RefundApplicationItem |
Refund Invoice Payment | RefundInvoicePayment |
Refund Part | RefundPart |
Refund Part Item | RefundPartItem |
Refund Transaction Log | RefundTransactionLog |
Revenue Charge Summary | RevenueChargeSummary |
Revenue Charge Summary Item | RevenueChargeSummaryItem |
Revenue Event | RevenueEvent |
Revenue Event Credit Memo Item | RevenueEventCreditMemoItem |
Revenue Event Debit Memo Item | RevenueEventDebitMemoItem |
Revenue Event Invoice Item | RevenueEventInvoiceItem |
Revenue Event Invoice Item Adjustment | RevenueEventInvoiceItemAdjustment |
Revenue Event Item | RevenueEventItem |
Revenue Event Item Credit Memo Item | RevenueEventItemCreditMemoItem |
Revenue Event Item Debit Memo Item | RevenueEventItemDebitMemoItem |
Revenue Event Item Invoice Item | RevenueEventItemInvoiceItem |
Revenue Event Item Invoice Item Adjustment | RevenueEventItemInvoiceItemAdjustment |
Revenue Event Type | RevenueEventType |
Revenue Schedule | RevenueSchedule |
Revenue Schedule Credit Memo Item | RevenueScheduleCreditMemoItem |
Revenue Schedule Debit Memo Item | RevenueScheduleDebitMemoItem |
Revenue Schedule Invoice Item | RevenueScheduleInvoiceItem |
Revenue Schedule Invoice Item Adjustment | RevenueScheduleInvoiceItemAdjustment |
Revenue Schedule Item | RevenueScheduleItem |
Revenue Schedule Item Credit Memo Item | RevenueScheduleItemCreditMemoItem |
Revenue Schedule Item Debit Memo Item | RevenueScheduleItemDebitMemoItem |
Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item | RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItem |
Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item Adjustment | RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItemAdjustment |
Subscription | Subscription |
Subscription Product Feature | SubscriptionProductFeature |
Taxable Item Snapshot | TaxableItemSnapshot |
Taxation Item | TaxationItem |
Updater Batch | UpdaterBatch |
Usage | Usage |