API Object Names for Describe

You can use the Describe operation to list the fields of each Zuora object that is available in your tenant. When you call the operation, you must specify the API name of the Zuora object.

Note: We recommend that you use the Object Queries or Data Queries to query objects.

The following table provides the API name of each Zuora object:

Object API Name
Account Account
Accounting Code AccountingCode
Accounting Period AccountingPeriod
Amendment Amendment
Application Group ApplicationGroup
Billing Run

BillingRun - API name used in the Describe operation, Export ZOQL queries, and Data Query.

BillRun - API name used in the Actions. See the CRUD oprations of Bill Run for more information about the BillRun object. BillingRun and BillRun have different fields.

Billing Preview Run BillingPreviewRun
Configuration Templates ConfigurationTemplates
Contact Contact
Contact Snapshot ContactSnapshot
Credit Balance Adjustment CreditBalanceAdjustment
Credit Memo CreditMemo
Credit Memo Application CreditMemoApplication
Credit Memo Application Item CreditMemoApplicationItem
Credit Memo Item CreditMemoItem
Credit Memo Part CreditMemoPart
Credit Memo Part Item CreditMemoPartItem
Credit Taxation Item CreditTaxationItem
Custom Exchange Rate FXCustomRate
Debit Memo DebitMemo
Debit Memo Item DebitMemoItem
Debit Taxation Item DebitTaxationItem
Discount Applied Metrics DiscountAppliedMetrics
Entity Tenant
Fulfillment Fulfillment
Feature Feature
Gateway Reconciliation Event PaymentGatewayReconciliationEventLog
Gateway Reconciliation Job PaymentReconciliationJob
Gateway Reconciliation Log PaymentReconciliationLog
Invoice Invoice
Invoice Adjustment InvoiceAdjustment
Invoice Item InvoiceItem
Invoice Item Adjustment InvoiceItemAdjustment
Invoice Payment InvoicePayment
Invoice Schedule InvoiceSchedule
Invoice Schedule Item InvoiceScheduleItem
Journal Entry JournalEntry
Journal Entry Item JournalEntryItem
Journal Run JournalRun
Notification History - Callout CalloutHistory
Notification History - Email EmailHistory
Order Order
Order Action OrderAction
Order ELP OrderElp
Order Line Items OrderLineItems
Order Item OrderItem
Order MRR OrderMrr
Order Quantity OrderQuantity
Order TCB OrderTcb
Order TCV OrderTcv
Payment Payment
Payment Application PaymentApplication
Payment Application Item PaymentApplicationItem
Payment Method PaymentMethod
Payment Method Snapshot PaymentMethodSnapshot
Payment Method Transaction Log PaymentMethodTransactionLog
Payment Method Update UpdaterDetail
Payment Part PaymentPart
Payment Part Item PaymentPartItem
Payment Run PaymentRun
Payment Transaction Log PaymentTransactionLog
Processed Usage ProcessedUsage
Product Product
Product Charge Definition ProductChargeDefinition
Product Feature ProductFeature
Product Rate Plan ProductRatePlan
Product Rate Plan Definition ProductRatePlanDefinition
Product Rate Plan Charge ProductRatePlanCharge
Product Rate Plan Charge Tier ProductRatePlanChargeTier
Rate Plan RatePlan
Rate Plan Charge RatePlanCharge
Rate Plan Charge Tier RatePlanChargeTier
Refund Refund
Refund Application RefundApplication
Refund Application Item RefundApplicationItem
Refund Invoice Payment RefundInvoicePayment
Refund Part RefundPart
Refund Part Item RefundPartItem
Refund Transaction Log RefundTransactionLog
Revenue Charge Summary RevenueChargeSummary
Revenue Charge Summary Item RevenueChargeSummaryItem
Revenue Event RevenueEvent
Revenue Event Credit Memo Item RevenueEventCreditMemoItem
Revenue Event Debit Memo Item RevenueEventDebitMemoItem
Revenue Event Invoice Item RevenueEventInvoiceItem
Revenue Event Invoice Item Adjustment RevenueEventInvoiceItemAdjustment
Revenue Event Item RevenueEventItem
Revenue Event Item Credit Memo Item RevenueEventItemCreditMemoItem
Revenue Event Item Debit Memo Item RevenueEventItemDebitMemoItem
Revenue Event Item Invoice Item RevenueEventItemInvoiceItem
Revenue Event Item Invoice Item Adjustment RevenueEventItemInvoiceItemAdjustment
Revenue Event Type RevenueEventType
Revenue Schedule RevenueSchedule
Revenue Schedule Credit Memo Item RevenueScheduleCreditMemoItem
Revenue Schedule Debit Memo Item RevenueScheduleDebitMemoItem
Revenue Schedule Invoice Item RevenueScheduleInvoiceItem
Revenue Schedule Invoice Item Adjustment RevenueScheduleInvoiceItemAdjustment
Revenue Schedule Item RevenueScheduleItem
Revenue Schedule Item Credit Memo Item RevenueScheduleItemCreditMemoItem
Revenue Schedule Item Debit Memo Item RevenueScheduleItemDebitMemoItem
Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItem
Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item Adjustment RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItemAdjustment
Subscription Subscription
Subscription Product Feature SubscriptionProductFeature
Taxable Item Snapshot TaxableItemSnapshot
Taxation Item TaxationItem
Updater Batch UpdaterBatch
Usage Usage