Lists accounts. You can use the query parameters to filter, expand, and sort the returned results.
Idempotency-Key | string <= 255 characters Specify a unique idempotency key if you want to perform an idempotent POST or PATCH request. Do not use this header in other request types. With this header specified, the Zuora server can identify subsequent retries of the same request using this value, which prevents the same operation from being performed multiple times by accident. |
Accept-Encoding | string Include the If specified, Zuora automatically compresses responses that contain over 1000 bytes of data, and the response contains a |
Content-Encoding | string Include the |
Zuora-Track-Id | string <= 64 characters A custom identifier for tracing the API call. If you set a value for this header, Zuora returns the same value in the response headers. This header enables you to associate your system process identifiers with Zuora API calls, to assist with troubleshooting in the event of an issue. The value of this field must use the US-ASCII character set and must not include any of the following characters: colon ( |
Zuora-Entity-Ids | string An entity ID. If you have Zuora Multi-entity enabled and the OAuth token is valid for more than one entity, you must use this header to specify which entity to perform the operation in. If the OAuth token is only valid for a single entity, or you do not have Zuora Multi-entity enabled, you do not need to set this header. |
Authorization | string The value is in the |
Invalid input
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