API Reference (2024-05-10)

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Welcome to the REST API reference for the Zuora Billing, Payments, and Central Platform!

To learn about the common use cases of Zuora REST APIs, check out the REST API Tutorials.

The Zuora REST API provides a broad set of operations and resources that:

  • Enable Web Storefront integration from your website.
  • Support self-service subscriber sign-ups and account management.
  • Process revenue schedules through custom revenue rule models.
  • Enable manipulation of most objects in the Zuora Billing Object Model.

Want to share your opinion on how our API works for you? Tell us how you feel about using our API and what we can do to make it better.

Some of our older APIs are no longer recommended but still available, not affecting any existing integration. To find related API documentation, see Older API Reference.

Base URL

All API requests occur in a test or production environment. For details on Zuora’s environments, see Zuora Environments in the Knowledge Center. Each environment uses a different base URL. Select the appropriate base URL below that you need to use:

Environment Base URL
US Developer & Central Sandbox

Applicable for Test Drive and trial access

US API Sandbox https://rest.sandbox.na.zuora.com (Cloud 1)
https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com (Cloud 2)
US Production https://rest.na.zuora.com (Cloud 1)
https://rest.zuora.com (Cloud 2)
EU Developer & Central Sandbox https://rest.test.eu.zuora.com
EU API Sandbox https://rest.sandbox.eu.zuora.com
EU Production https://rest.eu.zuora.com
APAC Sandbox & Production Coming soon!

If you do not have a Zuora tenant, go to https://www.zuora.com/resource/zuora-test-drive and sign up for a Test Drive.

Error Handling

If a request to Zuora Billing REST API with an endpoint starting with /v1 (except Actions and CRUD operations) fails, the response will contain an eight-digit error code with a corresponding error message to indicate the details of the error.

The following code snippet is a sample error response that contains an error code and message pair:

   "success": false,
   "processId": "CBCFED6580B4E076",
   "reasons":  [
      "code": 53100320,
      "message": "'termType' value should be one of: TERMED, EVERGREEN"

The success field indicates whether the API request has succeeded. The processId field is a Zuora internal ID that you can provide to Zuora Global Support for troubleshooting purposes.

The reasons field contains the actual error code and message pair. The error code begins with 5 or 6 means that you encountered a certain issue that is specific to a REST API resource in Zuora Billing, Payments, and Central Platform. For example, 53100320 indicates that an invalid value is specified for the termType field of the subscription object.

The error code beginning with 9 usually indicates that an authentication-related issue occurred, and it can also indicate other unexpected errors depending on different cases. For example, 90000011 indicates that an invalid credential is provided in the request header.

When troubleshooting the error, you can divide the error code into two components: REST API resource code and error category code. See the following Zuora error code sample:

Zuora Error Code Sample

Note: Zuora determines resource codes based on the request payload. Therefore, if GET and DELETE requests that do not contain payloads fail, you will get 500000 as the resource code, which indicates an unknown object and an unknown field. The error category code of these requests is valid and follows the rules described in the Error Category Codes section. In such case, you can refer to the returned error message to troubleshoot.

REST API Resource Codes

The 6-digit resource code indicates the REST API resource, typically a field of a Zuora object, on which the issue occurs. In the preceding example, 531003 refers to the termType field of the subscription object.

The value range for all REST API resource codes is from 500000 to 679999. See Resource Codes in the Knowledge Center for a full list of resource codes.

Error Category Codes

The 2-digit error category code identifies the type of error, for example, resource not found or missing required field.

The following table describes all error categories and the corresponding resolution:

Code Error category Description Resolution
10 Permission or access denied The request cannot be processed because a certain tenant or user permission is missing. Check the missing tenant or user permission in the response message and contact Zuora Global Support for enablement.
11 Authentication failed Authentication fails due to invalid API authentication credentials. Ensure that a valid API credential is specified.
20 Invalid format or value The request cannot be processed due to an invalid field format or value. Check the invalid field in the error message, and ensure that the format and value of all fields you passed in are valid.
21 Unknown field in request The request cannot be processed because an unknown field exists in the request body. Check the unknown field name in the response message, and ensure that you do not include any unknown field in the request body.
22 Missing required field The request cannot be processed because a required field in the request body is missing. Check the missing field name in the response message, and ensure that you include all required fields in the request body.
23 Missing required parameter The request cannot be processed because a required query parameter is missing. Check the missing parameter name in the response message, and ensure that you include the parameter in the query.
30 Rule restriction The request cannot be processed due to the violation of a Zuora business rule. Check the response message and ensure that the API request meets the specified business rules.
40 Not found The specified resource cannot be found. Check the response message and ensure that the specified resource exists in your Zuora tenant.
45 Unsupported request The requested endpoint does not support the specified HTTP method. Check your request and ensure that the endpoint and method matches.
50 Locking contention This request cannot be processed because the objects this request is trying to modify are being modified by another API request, UI operation, or batch job process.

Resubmit the request first to have another try.

If this error still occurs, contact Zuora Global Support with the returned Zuora-Request-Id value in the response header for assistance.

60 Internal error The server encounters an internal error. Contact Zuora Global Support with the returned Zuora-Request-Id value in the response header for assistance.
61 Temporary error A temporary error occurs during request processing, for example, a database communication error.

Resubmit the request first to have another try.

If this error still occurs, contact Zuora Global Support with the returned Zuora-Request-Id value in the response header for assistance.

70 Request exceeded limit The total number of concurrent requests exceeds the limit allowed by the system.

Resubmit the request after the number of seconds specified by the Retry-After value in the response header.

Check Concurrent request limits for details about Zuora’s concurrent request limit policy.

90 Malformed request The request cannot be processed due to JSON syntax errors. Check the syntax error in the JSON request body and ensure that the request is in the correct JSON format.
99 Integration error The server encounters an error when communicating with an external system, for example, payment gateway, tax engine provider. Check the response message and take action accordingly.

API Versions

The Zuora REST API are version controlled. Versioning ensures that Zuora REST API changes are backward compatible. Zuora uses a major and minor version nomenclature to manage changes. By specifying a version in a REST request, you can get expected responses regardless of future changes to the API.

Major Version

The major version number of the REST API appears in the REST URL. In this API reference, only the v1 major version is available. For example, POST https://rest.zuora.com/v1/subscriptions.

Minor Version

This API Reference only showcases the parameters and fields available for the latest API minor version. In other words, all the documented parameters and fields in each operation are the ones you can use or get with the latest minor version enabled or specified.

An API minor version is introduced whenever we make a backward-incompatible change. The version is in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2024-05-20. The legacy numbered versions such as 230.0 are still supported for backward compatibility, but are no longer available for new integrations.

You need to specify the zuora-version header with a version when you want to use or get the fields that are available only in that version. To use another version, set the zuora-version parameter to the version number in the request header.

The supported minor versions are not consecutive. You can use the following versions to override the default version (186.0):

  • 187.0
  • 188.0
  • 189.0
  • 196.0
  • 206.0
  • 207.0
  • 211.0
  • 214.0
  • 215.0
  • 216.0
  • 223.0
  • 224.0
  • 230.0
  • 239.0
  • 256.0
  • 257.0
  • 309.0
  • 314.0
  • 315.0
  • 329.0
  • 330.0
  • 336.0
  • 337.0
  • 338.0
  • 341.0
  • 2024-05-20

Note that not all versions include backward-incompatible changes. To understand all backward incompatible changes, see Changelog for Backward-incompatible Changes.

API Names for Zuora Objects

For information about the Zuora business object model, see Zuora Business Object Model.

You can use the Describe operation to list the fields of each Zuora object that is available in your tenant. When you call the operation, you must specify the API name of the Zuora object.

The following table provides the API name of each Zuora object:

Object API Name
Account Account
Accounting Code AccountingCode
Accounting Period AccountingPeriod
Amendment Amendment
Application Group ApplicationGroup
Billing Run

BillingRun - API name used in the Describe operation, Export ZOQL queries, and Data Query.

BillRun - API name used in the Actions. See the CRUD oprations of Bill Run for more information about the BillRun object. BillingRun and BillRun have different fields.

Billing Preview Run BillingPreviewRun
Configuration Templates ConfigurationTemplates
Contact Contact
Contact Snapshot ContactSnapshot
Credit Balance Adjustment CreditBalanceAdjustment
Credit Memo CreditMemo
Credit Memo Application CreditMemoApplication
Credit Memo Application Item CreditMemoApplicationItem
Credit Memo Item CreditMemoItem
Credit Memo Part CreditMemoPart
Credit Memo Part Item CreditMemoPartItem
Credit Taxation Item CreditTaxationItem
Custom Exchange Rate FXCustomRate
Debit Memo DebitMemo
Debit Memo Item DebitMemoItem
Debit Taxation Item DebitTaxationItem
Discount Applied Metrics DiscountAppliedMetrics
Entity Tenant
Fulfillment Fulfillment
Feature Feature
Gateway Reconciliation Event PaymentGatewayReconciliationEventLog
Gateway Reconciliation Job PaymentReconciliationJob
Gateway Reconciliation Log PaymentReconciliationLog
Invoice Invoice
Invoice Adjustment InvoiceAdjustment
Invoice Item InvoiceItem
Invoice Item Adjustment InvoiceItemAdjustment
Invoice Payment InvoicePayment
Invoice Schedule InvoiceSchedule
Invoice Schedule Item InvoiceScheduleItem
Journal Entry JournalEntry
Journal Entry Item JournalEntryItem
Journal Run JournalRun
Notification History - Callout CalloutHistory
Notification History - Email EmailHistory
Order Order
Order Action OrderAction
Order ELP OrderElp
Order Line Items OrderLineItems
Order Item OrderItem
Order MRR OrderMrr
Order Quantity OrderQuantity
Order TCB OrderTcb
Order TCV OrderTcv
Payment Payment
Payment Application PaymentApplication
Payment Application Item PaymentApplicationItem
Payment Method PaymentMethod
Payment Method Snapshot PaymentMethodSnapshot
Payment Method Transaction Log PaymentMethodTransactionLog
Payment Method Update UpdaterDetail
Payment Part PaymentPart
Payment Part Item PaymentPartItem
Payment Run PaymentRun
Payment Transaction Log PaymentTransactionLog
Processed Usage ProcessedUsage
Product Product
Product Charge Definition ProductChargeDefinition
Product Feature ProductFeature
Product Rate Plan ProductRatePlan
Product Rate Plan Definition ProductRatePlanDefinition
Product Rate Plan Charge ProductRatePlanCharge
Product Rate Plan Charge Tier ProductRatePlanChargeTier
Rate Plan RatePlan
Rate Plan Charge RatePlanCharge
Rate Plan Charge Tier RatePlanChargeTier
Refund Refund
Refund Application RefundApplication
Refund Application Item RefundApplicationItem
Refund Invoice Payment RefundInvoicePayment
Refund Part RefundPart
Refund Part Item RefundPartItem
Refund Transaction Log RefundTransactionLog
Revenue Charge Summary RevenueChargeSummary
Revenue Charge Summary Item RevenueChargeSummaryItem
Revenue Event RevenueEvent
Revenue Event Credit Memo Item RevenueEventCreditMemoItem
Revenue Event Debit Memo Item RevenueEventDebitMemoItem
Revenue Event Invoice Item RevenueEventInvoiceItem
Revenue Event Invoice Item Adjustment RevenueEventInvoiceItemAdjustment
Revenue Event Item RevenueEventItem
Revenue Event Item Credit Memo Item RevenueEventItemCreditMemoItem
Revenue Event Item Debit Memo Item RevenueEventItemDebitMemoItem
Revenue Event Item Invoice Item RevenueEventItemInvoiceItem
Revenue Event Item Invoice Item Adjustment RevenueEventItemInvoiceItemAdjustment
Revenue Event Type RevenueEventType
Revenue Schedule RevenueSchedule
Revenue Schedule Credit Memo Item RevenueScheduleCreditMemoItem
Revenue Schedule Debit Memo Item RevenueScheduleDebitMemoItem
Revenue Schedule Invoice Item RevenueScheduleInvoiceItem
Revenue Schedule Invoice Item Adjustment RevenueScheduleInvoiceItemAdjustment
Revenue Schedule Item RevenueScheduleItem
Revenue Schedule Item Credit Memo Item RevenueScheduleItemCreditMemoItem
Revenue Schedule Item Debit Memo Item RevenueScheduleItemDebitMemoItem
Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItem
Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item Adjustment RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItemAdjustment
Subscription Subscription
Subscription Product Feature SubscriptionProductFeature
Taxable Item Snapshot TaxableItemSnapshot
Taxation Item TaxationItem
Updater Batch UpdaterBatch
Usage Usage